Re-Elect Paul Schlichtman - Arlington School Committee
Experienced leadership for challenging times
Arlington Town Election, Saturday April 1
Preliminary Election Returns - Saturday April 1
As a statewide leader, and past president of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees, Paul has a respected voice in statewide policy decisions. Read Paul's op-ed, Three Steps for Mass. Education Course Correction, in Commonwealth Magazine. (January 31, 2023)
We elect seven members of our school committee in order to provide a diverse collection of views and experiences.
Paul views successful school committee service as contributing to a governing team, where nothing can be achieved without a majority vote. His skills and experience in public school and municipal governance enables him to be an effective contributor to the team. Paul has served four years on the Minuteman School Committee, and 17 years on the Arlington School Committee. Paul has served in Town Meeting for 27 years. Paul brings the perspective of a professional educator who has worked primarily in urban districts. He has been an elementary teacher, a high school math teacher, a principal, and a central office administrator. Paul’s work as an administrator in Lowell was focused on data analysis, school improvement, and strategic planning. He brought his experience into Arlington’s visioning process, which is the foundation of the five-year strategic plan that is now being finalized. Paul’s experience as a district level administrator informs his work as chair of the Policies and Procedures committee, providing the blueprint for the operation of our public schools. Paul is a pragmatic, progressive leader. He has played a statewide leadership role in public school governance, having served as President of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees in 2004. He was on the forefront of the 2016 campaign to defeat Question 2, which would have lifted caps on new charter schools. As a member of the Arlington Democratic Town Committee, he has worked to elect leaders who support public education. On April 1, vote to retain Paul's experience and vision on the Arlington School Committee. |
It's easy to vote in Arlington.

Massachusetts voters can now vote early by mail in all elections, no excuse required.
A postcard application was sent to every Arlington voter in January to request a ballot for the annual town election. Voters can also use the Vote by Mail Application to request a ballot. Your request must be returned to the Town Clerk’s office no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 27, 2023.
Details at:
Mail and absentee ballots must be received at the Town Clerk's office on or before 8:00 p.m. on April 1.
A postcard application was sent to every Arlington voter in January to request a ballot for the annual town election. Voters can also use the Vote by Mail Application to request a ballot. Your request must be returned to the Town Clerk’s office no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, March 27, 2023.
Details at:
Mail and absentee ballots must be received at the Town Clerk's office on or before 8:00 p.m. on April 1.